The Puck Drops Here
The Pavilion proudly caters to hockey players of all ages and skill levels. How good is the rink for hockey? So good that it is the practice home of the professional Greenville Swamp Rabbits. Whether new to the sport or a seasoned veteran, we have everything you need to enjoy a game on the ice.

Stick Times
Stick times are open practice sessions open to all ages and skill levels, giving you the chance to learn some new tricks while meeting fellow players. Helmets are required and full equipment is mandatory for children under the age of 18.
- Stick Time: $10.50 +tax
- Stick Time Pass — 10 Sessions: $95 +tax

Adult Pick-Up Games
These unsupervised games are open to players over 18 years old. They give players of all levels the opportunity to get more ice time in a non-contact and non-threatening environment. Full equipment is mandatory, and goalies play for free.
Days and times vary throughout the year, so please call ahead.
- Adult Pick-Up Game: $13.50 + tax
- Adult Pick-Up Pass — 10 Sessions: $125 + tax

Try Hockey for Free Clinics
USA Hockey’s National Try Hockey for Free Day clinics are a great way for kids to explore the sport of ice hockey. All equipment is provided — you just need to arrive one hour early so your child can be fitted.
Eligible Ages: 4 – 10 (Boys & Girls)
Eligibility Criteria: Open to the first 30 participants that sign up. Must have no experience playing ice hockey
Upcoming Clinics:
Saturday, Feb. 22
11:30am – 12:30pm
Adult Ice Hockey League
The Pavilion has four ice hockey leagues that you can choose from. Each season will consist of ten games and single elimination playoffs.
To learn more about the rules of the league and structure of the games, read the Pavilion Hockey League Rules.
Eligibility: Ages 18+
Requirements: You must have full equipment and be registered with USA Hockey. Visit the USA Hockey website to register online.
Cost: $220 for county citizens; $275 for out-of-county citizens (plus Annual USA hockey Membership). Payment must be made at the time of registration.
Season Dates
- Winter Season: January- April
- Summer Season: May – August
- Fall Season: September – December
Skill Levels and Game Slots
The league reserves the right to reassign any players who are too strong for a requested league. Registrations are taken on a first come, first serve basis. Each league has a maximum capacity for the number of teams and players. If a league capacity is met, league registration will close at that time and additional registrations will not be accepted.
C League
For players with average experience in team play.
Skill Level: Lower-Intermediate
Tentative Game Slots: Sundays at 4:45 PM, 6:00 PM, 7:15 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:45 PM, & 11:00 PM
D League
For beginner and recreational players with minimal experience in team play.
Skill Level: Beginner-Lower Intermediate
Tentative Game Slots: Thursdays at 9:00pm & 10:15pm, & Sundays at 4:45pm, 6:00pm, 8:30pm, 9:45pm, or 11:00pm.
35+ League
For “seasoned” players, ages 35 and up, wanting to play a fun, competitive game of hockey.
Skill Level: All levels (Beginners to Advanced)
Tentative Game Slots: Mondays at 8:00PM, 9:15PM, & 10:30PM
Register Today!
Register and access the schedule, standings, stats, and rosters through Sportability.
Have Any Questions?
Contact Bobby Brandt at 864.467.3482 or email him at
Junior Tigers Learn to Play Hockey
Designed for intermediate players with previous skating experience, Junior Tigers Learn to Play Hockey is a USA Hockey Sanctioned program that teaches fundamental hockey skills like skating, puck control, passing, shooting, and positioning.
Once skill level has been achieved there are great playing options available at Greenville Youth Hockey.
Eligible Ages: 4 – 14
Requirements: Must have previous skating experience; if your child has no skating experience, consider enrolling him or her in the Pavilion Learn to Skate program. All players must also be registered with USA Hockey to participate. Visit the USA Hockey website to register online. Please remember to register with Greenville County Rec as well.
Necessary Equipment: There is limited rental equipment available. If no rental equipment is available, you will need to bring the following:
- Helmet
- Stick
- Gloves
- Pants
- Shoulder Pads
- Shin Pads
- Hockey Socks
- Elbow Pads
- Hockey Skates
Costs: $110 for county citizens; $137.50 for out-of-county citizens (plus Annual USA Hockey Membership).
Upcoming Sessions:
- Mar. 3 – Apr. 21 (Register by Feb. 24)
- Apr. 28 – Jun. 23 (Register by Apr. 21)
- Jun. 30 – Aug. 18 (Register by Jun. 23)
- Aug. 25 – Oct. 20 (Register by Aug. 18)
- Oct. 27 – Dec. 15 (Register by Oct. 20)
Each session is eight weeks in length and takes place on Mondays from 6:45 PM to 7:45 PM
Registration Deadline: One week before the start of the session.
Have Any Questions?
Contact Bobby Brandt at 864-467-3482 or email him at
Youth House and Travel programs are offered through Greater Greenville Hockey Association (GGHA). Please visit their website to find out about their current offerings and how to get involved.