
Sports are universal, connecting individuals regardless of their race, background, nationality, or intellectual ability. The Special Olympics embodies this universality, demonstrating that human greatness is defined by much more than the limitations of the body. It gives families and communities a chance to come together; provides athletes with the opportunity to feel pride and courage for their accomplishments; and creates an environment where people can change their attitudes about people with intellectual disabilities.

Greenville County Rec hosts the Special Olympics for these reasons and many others, offering training and competition in many different sports. Two full-time Greenville County Rec staffers direct these programs with help from hundreds of community volunteers, making it possible to offer the program without any fees attached.

2025 Spring Games

 Wednesday, April 9th, 2025

at Furman University

Gold Medal Sponsor

To become a sponsor, or learn more about our sponsorship opportunities,
please contact Madison Bates at mbates@greenvillecounty.org or 864-960-6067

Special Olympics Schedule

Spring Season:

Basketball, Swimming, Softball & Bowling (Ages 21&Up)

Fall Season:

Pickleball, Flag Football, Golf, Tennis, & Soccer

Questions? Contact Us!

email mbates@greenvillecounty.org or call us at (864) 960-6067


Volunteering gives you a chance to connect with others while giving back to the community; it broadens your perspective and improves your understanding of those who lead lives that are unfamiliar. Greenville County Rec is in need of volunteers for all Special Olympic sports — no sports knowledge needed, just a desire to help others.


Twice a year, Special Olympics Greenville athletes and volunteers attend state level competitions which are the culmination of 8 week practice seasons for the season. Help us meet our goal of raising $4,000 for transportation this spring.

If you’re determined to storm the field and show off your skills, have a parent or guardian complete the Athlete Registration Form, and return to Special Olympics Greenville Office. Athletes must be 8 years of age or older to compete.

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